Opera takes too long to load if not used recently (SOLVED)

This issue was encountered in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, using GNOME.

Opening Opera takes 30-60 seconds, during which time the system gives no indication that it is attempting to open the application. After being opened, it can be closed and opened again reasonably quickly.


As I postulated earlier, the issue was solved by getting rid of SNAP. A friend was able to hold my hand through the process.

  1. I started by uninstalling snap's Opera with sudo snap remove opera in the terminal.
  2. On the Opera website I downloaded their .deb install file. (currently opera-stable_75.0.3969.171_amd64.deb, but presumably this is updated regularly.)
  3. In the terminal, I installed this. I am told it is essential to indicate the full file path for this process (no ~/). Additionally, the 'tab' key was helpful in automatically filling out the specific filename. sudo apt install /home/beloch/Downloads/opera-stable_75.0.3969.171_amd64.deb

This completely resolved the issue. Opera now opens immediately, without any errors at all being displayed in the command line.